Are your files print-ready?

This is our list of recommendations for sending us artwork. If your files don’t fit these standards or you’re unsure, we’re here to help!

Your labels will always print higher-quality and get to you quicker if we have original digital files or high-resolution artwork.
If you need assistance we’ve got designers ready to help you and get your artwork print-ready (fees may apply).
If you’re not sure how to check your files ask the designer that created your artwork, or ask us! • 870.330.3003 


Pro tip: We highly recommend ordering a printed sample of your label on the material of your choice to make sure everything is just right!

A packaged file will send us all the components we need in the file, including: fonts, images, and helpful info about your artwork! It usually saves us from having to ask you for additional info or asking you to make changes, as well as speeds up the proofing process. We love packaged files! After confirming your file meets the rest of the print standards below you can Click here for a step-by-step “how to…” on packaging Ai files. Then just send the folder!

Minimum 300 DPI - Max 800 DPI - we will accept higher but it will be resized to 800 DPI before print. 


Vectors (eps) are graphics created with mathematical formulas that produce very smooth lines and curves. Raster graphics are produced with very small squares that produce jagged edges and lines. When printing, vectors are better than rasterized images or graphics. We can work with rasterized graphics but vectors are better if there’s an option. 

CMYK for print. CMYK represents the 4 color process, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black), these 4 colors make up pretty much every standard print color. If it’s bring printed, always create your artwork in CMYK mode.

We have several standard-size dies on hand, but if you need something custom or different, not a problem! However, additional fees may apply. (Fees are not recurring for reorders of your custom shape/size).

We love when files come with the bleed built-in. We like a .125 inch bleed (or .0625 mm). If your files don’t meet this requirement, they will be adjusted before print but may need further proofing. 

Make sure before saving your file you convert your text to outlines. We may not have your font on file, so if you’re sending artwork make sure you’ve outlined all your fonts or send us the fonts used with your file (see Packaged Files above). 

We accept several file formats but our favorites are PDFs and Adobe Illustrator files. Other file formats could require graphic changes and may result in design fees. When saving your PDF make sure you’ve converted your text to outlines or are sending us a packaged file. Please do not send compressed or password-protected artwork.

Font sizes are dependent on the font family you’re working with, but good rule of thumb is:
Dark text on light background, 5 point. Light text on dark background, 7 point (bold).

This list will help guarantee great looking labels,
as well as speed up the print process so you can stay one step ahead.